Suppose you are cash strapped motoring enthusiast living in Northampton, England. You live in a council flat and own a third-hand Ford Sierra RS Cosworth. You�re earning a steady if unimpressive income of �180 (US$284) a week, of which you manage to squirrel away a small amount into your savings.
From this, you deduce that your chances of getting behind a �149,000+ (US$235,450) Lamborghini Gallardo are about as good as bedding Natalie Portman. What is a poor boy to do?
Well, I have good news my (imaginary) friend! Silverstone Circuit, home of the British Grand Prix, is now offering a �99 (US$156 or �133) Supercar Thrill package that lets you take the wheel of a Lamborghini, Aston Martin, Ferrari or Lotus for a few hot laps around the famous circuit. There's also a limited offer on a Lamborghini Thrill package for December 19 only with a discount that brings the price down to �60 or US$95 / �80.
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