Okay, readers: hands up if you like rats. No, not the cute white ones you see in science labs or can buy at pet shops. I�m talking about the sewer-dwelling, disease-carrying ones that invade your house to eat, poop and scare your misses.
What if I told you those same feral rats are not only a danger to your home but also to your brand-spanking-new
plug-in hybrid extended range electric vehicle? How�s that grab you, hmm?
So a month ago , the automotive mavens at Kicking Tires were handed the keys to a new Chevrolet Volt. What�s that got to do with rats, you ask? Well, in a move that some at the office have labeled, �karmic justice� and others have labeled, �bloomin� rats�, a member of the repressed rodent classes has attacked Kicking Tires� futuristic loaner and rendered it befuddled. *Gasp!*
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